The Tyrant December 16, 2014NathanCovers8 Comments The Tyrant Ugh. “Sadistic” is right. bringing sexy back cut and paste layout woes om-nom-nom de plume pixelation Previous postA Smattering of Erotica Next postCaused & Effect
Looks like someone discovered the magic wand tool in Photoshop.
From reading the description, I get the feeling that this is incest erotica.
Way to bang your son there cleavage grandma, and right after he got that job as a shirtless gay twink!
She looks disturbingly happy about it, too.
I made the mistake of going to the author’s Smashwords page. He writes A LOT of incest erotica. A LOT.
That’s probably why it’s not on Amazon. They have standards preventing this crap.
I think this cover makes a strong statement. It says, “Hello reader. I’m going to be your author for this book, and I really don’t give a shit about you.”
Chocolate Shower!
A lot of the covers on here make you think the designer had little concern for how it might appear to its viewers.
Then there are covers such as this which make you think the designer hates the viewers’ friggin’ guts.