Only With the Heart


Only With the Heart

How many murder mysteries can boast that they’re “Legally & Medically Updated”?

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James F. Brown
James F. Brown
10 years ago

Jeez! What is it with all these covers with bad aspect ratios? It’s becoming an LBC epidemic.

If you don’t know how to use PhotoShop correctly, maybe you shouldn’t be using it at all.

10 years ago

It’s been 12 years already? My, my, time does fly.

10 years ago

I wouldn’t be surprised if this cover found its way into my nightmares.
I’m seriously creeped out by this.

10 years ago

Based on the short synopsis I read, I think the cover photo (including the aspect ratio) is not really off the mark, although it needs something to suggest a major change.

Where this one seems to fall short is with the off-balance title placement, the font choices (c’mon—curlicues paired with the font that’s used for name plates on cube farms?), and too much extra baggage (“revised, blah, blah, formerly, etc.”).

This cover needs: Title, author name, and “a novel” or “a novel of . . .”.

BTW, the original cover misses the subject by a mile, but is nicely designed.

10 years ago

This partially reminded me of “Hear no evil, See no evil, Speak no evil”.
If they just covered their eyes and ears, they could achieve all three.