Hillary: Tail of the Dog


Hillary: Tail of the Dog

According to Goodreads, “this novel contains disturbingly explicit sexual and deviant content that may be considered offensive to some readers, including rape, torture and cannibalism.” And here I just thought it was about a photobombing puppy!

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11 years ago

Before I read the comment I thought this was a novel about a lost puppy named Hillary.

James F. Brown
James F. Brown
11 years ago

Another obvious author pseudonym.

This book should also be prosecuted for false advertising. Sure hope no parent buys this thinking it’s a children’s book.

11 years ago
Reply to  James F. Brown

That’s assuming anyone manages to find it in the barely readable title.

11 years ago
Reply to  James F. Brown

Yeah, no. There is no false advertising here. OK, maybe the cover is a bit misleading (but really, there is “dark novel” — whatever that is — written in it, so only a moron would think it’s a children’s book), but the Book Description tells you what the book is about. (Again, only a moron would buy a book without reading the description.)

11 years ago

I prefer Angel Gelique’s light novels. Her ‘Angel Gelique’ shower gel is highly recommended too. She has also brought out a range of eye liner which is applied by the thumb, you can see it in the book cover above. I recommend ‘Thumbgelique Eyeliner’ highly. So does Hillary.

James F. Brown
James F. Brown
11 years ago
Reply to  Howard

LOL. “Tail of the Dog” starring Raccoon Girl.

Avid Reader
Avid Reader
11 years ago
Reply to  James F. Brown

First of all, Nathan, don’t you have anything better to do with your time than to bully authors who design their own covers, assuming that’s what the author did in the first place. I mean, really, are you in junior high school or just ridiculously immature?

Second of all, James F. Brown (who surely looks old enough to know better), get your facts straight about false advertising before making such an absurd claim. Prosecutors would have an easier time prosecuting you for stupidity. Do you really think a parent would confuse that book for a children’s book? I’d hate to see how your kids turned out. Let’s hope you don’t have any, because you definitely don’t have any common sense.

Absolutely right, SevenSapiens, only a moron would think it’s a children’s book.

LOL, “Moron Man” starring James F. Brown.

11 years ago
Reply to  Nathan

I smell a flounce coming, do you?

11 years ago
Reply to  Avid Reader

Hey, look, if you can’t take criticism, NO MATTER HOW BAD it is, you should NOT write. If you can’t handle people saying bad things about your book (or it’s cover), and their right to do so, you are the one who’s ridiculously immature here.

11 years ago
Reply to  SevenSapiens

Oh, I made a little mistake here. I meant to write “and _accept_ their right to do so”.

11 years ago
Reply to  SevenSapiens

I made two mistakes, apparently. The other one was assuming the person who made this comment was the book’s author.

Well, one can understand why I assumed that.

Avid Reader
Avid Reader
11 years ago

Nope, Nathan, didn’t see anything racial in your criticsm and I used the word “bully” because it encompasses the very behavior you (and all the other self-proclaimed critics of book cover art) exhibit. Surely everyone is entitled to their opinion. But an entire website to mock book covers? Seems like a rather ridiculous use of time, in MY opinion.

No, SevenSapiens, I am not the author but the book was recommended to me and I happened upon this site while I was researching it. I saw many of the other insulting posts for numerous many books. None of them deserve such bashing. I just chose to comment here because I was appalled that someone would actually worry about people mistaking this particular book for a kid’s book.

But anyway, carry on with your stone throwing and book cover witch hunt! I won’t be back to stoop to your level again.

11 years ago
Reply to  Avid Reader

“None of them deserve such bashing”

It does not matter if it deserves or not to be bashed. Criticizing the design of a cover or a work of fiction or anything is NOT a personal attack. People have right to bash whatever they want, and I find it outrageous that anyone would be against their right to do that.

Do you think saying a movie sucks is bullying it’s director and/or the actors who worked on it? When you think a movie is bad, don’t you say anything about it?

If I want to say The Shawshank Redemption is the worst movie ever made, and that Morgan Freeman acted terribly in it, I have the right to do so – even if the movie (or Morgan Freeman) “doesn’t deserve it” –, and I can’t believe any reasonable person could be against my right to do that. I don’t understand how anyone can be against freedom of speech.

You might not reply to my comment, but I believe you will read anyway, so: You’re the one in the lower level here.