Hmmm, Goody’s last day is a prequel? How they gonna handle that in the next book? Oh, goody, goody, goody, it’s hilarious AND action-packed!
11 years ago
There is nothing about this cover that suggests
hillarity in any way shape or form. “Myth for the reality
challenged”? I’d say the author is reality challenged
with a penchant for Halloween decorations and what
on the cover vaguely reminds me of a toilet bowl.
Exactly where this book belongs.
Hmmm, Goody’s last day is a prequel? How they gonna handle that in the next book? Oh, goody, goody, goody, it’s hilarious AND action-packed!
There is nothing about this cover that suggests
hillarity in any way shape or form. “Myth for the reality
challenged”? I’d say the author is reality challenged
with a penchant for Halloween decorations and what
on the cover vaguely reminds me of a toilet bowl.
Exactly where this book belongs.
Oh, I see, this is a Monty Python sketch.
A career-planner book for the politically inclined?