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James F. Brown
James F. Brown
11 years ago

Any type font at all would be preferable to this nearly illegible, hand-written text.

No author name on the cover, either (unless that’s it in the upper left corner). I can understand why.

11 years ago

Will people ever learn that crayons and book covers do not go together?

As James Brown stated, cannot read anything on the cover. What do these people think we readers have telepathic abilities? Only word I can make out is island.

***shakes head and questions the ability to understand authors****

11 years ago

Seriously – this has to be some 6th-grader’s social study project. Right? Not a real book…

11 years ago
Reply to  Kris

Okay – from the description, this is not a native English speaker:

I was born in 1964 at a poor family.
Even so I took them for granted, having dreams, democracy, freedom and school education around me.
I wrote this story to express gratitude to people who raised and conveyed the fragile treasures.
And I wish I could cheer up someone in isolated situation…

11 years ago

Whoa!…..I thought one of the most important things
about making a map is to make the writing legible.