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11 years ago

Eh, this one could be a lot worse.

11 years ago

The twinkly stars and happy font don’t match the scary title. And the drawings are comical. Is this a humorous novel?

And what the heck does it mean to be “shortlisted” for a prize? Not a finalist, but close? **WHO CARES**

11 years ago

It says on the description it’s meant to be a humorous horror novel. I don’t like the author’s name being in a different font and the ribbon thing at the top intrudes on the design a bit, but other than that I would say this is a perfectly serviceable cover for a book of this sort, although it has a bit of a middle-grade feel. The title stands out well on a thumbnail.

Bunty Sandiford
Bunty Sandiford
11 years ago

Being shortlisted is an achievement in its own right in an International competition such as the Impress Prize. The book is both a comedy and a horror/fantasy novel so the image captures that perfectly.
It’s also well worth a read!