The Making of a Superhero April 12, 2016NathanCovers7 Comments The Making of a Superhero …from spare parts. bulletin board layout font boredom pixelation Previous postPURE VISION: The Magdalene Revelation Next postMail Order Bride: A Christmas Miracle – The Hunted Bride
That is just painful.
But very body paintful.
PosRein: red cape, shower cap, body paint = economical superhero costume.
I get the feeling the top “hero” is only four inches tall and can normally be found adorning a ’34 Pontiac
Maybe something could’ve been made from the top half.
Her superpower somehow involves one frighteningly large knee.
the top half is copied from Carrie Vaughn’s novel AFTER THE GOLDEN AGE. Somebody should report this.
Every superhero has to start with the basics: Hailing a Cab in Tight Spandex.