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11 years ago

WTF??? OK, I know there’s a trend of putting headless abs on erotica and even romance, but it DOES NOT WORK for fantary-type covers. Or maybe his head just made splash into the pool of blood? And WTF is wrong with the muscles on that forearm?

But honestly, it makes me sad when the artists put their names up so proudly. Can’t they see they’re still miles away from being able to do good book cover illustrations?

11 years ago
Reply to  Catie

That’s so the author knows who to blame for finding their book on this site! 😀

James F. Brown
James F. Brown
11 years ago

Aieeee! The insides of a lava lamp have escaped. Kill it, kill it fast!

11 years ago
Reply to  James F. Brown

I’ve actually HAD a lava lamp explode in
front of me and let me just say it’s far from pleasant.

11 years ago

3CPO must have spent the night before the holographic tee-ball finals getting a new tattoo instead of checking the batteries in his light saber.

(And is the author’s name Magikos or Katzutomi?)

11 years ago

Seriously. What’s up with all these headless
male torsos on all these shitty book covers?
I could maybe understand if they were erotica
versions of The Headless Horseman but this
is just getting ridiculous.