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11 years ago

For some reason I look at this and think: “Live action representation of outtakes from the Beatles’ ‘Yellow Submarine’.”

11 years ago

And the sun comes from EVERYWHERE! Even up from the GRASS!!!

Which one is Colin and which one is Preston? Oh, wait. That’s ONE name with TWO equally weighted male photos on the front.

Yeah. Great idea. O_o

11 years ago

It didn’t look so bad until I scrolled down past the first pair of heads.

Matt Nelson
11 years ago
Reply to  Axolotl

Oh my gosh, yes. I’m still cracking up as I post this. I had the very same thought. “Looks like a crappy teen movie poster OH WHAT NOW”

11 years ago

This just scares me.

11 years ago

*”Hmm…well, the cover is awful, but maybe the book inside it isn’t so bad.”

*Opens sample

“I pulled my copy of Wuthering Heights out of my backpack”


11 years ago

Is this a comedy? I hope it’s a comedy.

11 years ago

It’s not a comedy.

11 years ago

Enjoyed the two hour delay between those comments, Ebony. Hope you didn’t spend all that time reading this garbage.

I know this site is all about terrible artwork but I can’t help looking at the samples for these books. They’re uniformly awful.

There is a reason these people publish ebooks rather than getting a print deal.

James F. Brown
James F. Brown
11 years ago
Reply to  matron

Epublishing is the new, reader-centric slush pile. And I do mean slush!

Question: If the protagonist is a guy, why are there TWO male “heads” and why is the chick’s head front and center? And did the two guys give her hickies? Is that why she’s hiding her neck with her hands? IMWTK!

11 years ago
Reply to  matron

In comedy, timing is everything 🙂

11 years ago

Thank GOD for Kindle’s “Look Inside The Book” feature – it saves those of us who do so from buying crap.

ANY author who puts an amateur cover on their books cannot be trusted to know ANYTHING about writing/publishing. PERIOD.

11 years ago

If her hair could just have some snakes springing
out it could be titled Colin Preston rocked with Medusa.

James F. Brown
James F. Brown
11 years ago

Hey, I just got an email from BookBub. Right now, the book is FREE on Amazon. WTH, I downloaded it so I can read it at leisure and think up more snark. 🙂

11 years ago

The designer’s ignorance of physics makes this girl look as if she’s sitting inside a trench, or a shallow grave.

11 years ago

The worst thing about this cover is that the designer actually *tried* — you know, with the grass “growing” in front of the faces. If he/she hadn’t tried, it might not have been quite so awful.