As promised/threatened…

…I’ve switched the WordPress site over to a new theme. (You who are following all of this on Tumblr, you have no idea who I’m talking about.)  I’ve still got a couple of tweaks — I can’t get the Gravatars to work in the two-large boxes, and it’s ticking me off — but aside from that, I think it’s pretty much done.

Let the hate-fest begin!

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8 years ago


8 years ago

I’m not a fan of the old design, but the new one is… weird. I have a feeling it looks much better on a phone than a desktop.

8 years ago
Reply to  Catie

Yeah, I think you’re right about the phone thing. I prefer the old design.

8 years ago
Reply to  DED

I honestly can’t decide which one I dislike more. The old one was ugly, but it was functional. I like the fact that it was changed, but not with what. The pinkish-red is weird, especially in combination with not-quite-black gray.

8 years ago
Reply to  Nathan

For $5 on fiverr you can buy an entire pack of pro themes that would usually cost hundreds of dollars, like for example: I’ve bought a pack myself (not from this guy though) but I never actually finished setting up the blog. Genesis framework looked cool though. The themes were far better than anything you could get for free.

8 years ago
Reply to  Nathan

Aaw 🙁

Probably, but $5 is a bargain for pro themes.

Michael Drakich
8 years ago

I see you have them divided by the Deadly Sins. What about genres? If I want to look at strictly sci-fi, or romance covers?

James F. Brown
James F. Brown
8 years ago

Hey, Nathan, where’s the daily “cartoon”? I miss it. 🙁

Take Cover
Take Cover
8 years ago

I’m usually about as grumpy as you can get with site design changes, but honestly, I don’t mind this one at all. In fact, I think I might prefer it: good use of real estate — you can see a whole lot more stuff on a single screen — and the colors and layout are clear and inoffensive.

I guess the only downside is that we’ve lost that delicious surprise one sometimes used to get when scrolling down though a cover that started out OK at the top and then went all to hell in the bottom third.

The Rodent
8 years ago

This theme is fine and so was the old one. I usually view the RSS feed and visit/click the site to check out comments on “interesting” covers. 🙂

8 years ago


I have a nice spare Sahifa WP theme hanging around–far from free or even WP-cheap, which I’d happily to donate instead of this. I find it clunky to use on a Lenovo Thinkpad Yoga laptop/Tablet hybrid. I don’t like this. It’s designed 100% for phones and small devices, not for computers.

8 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

You have a Lenovo Thinkpad Yoga too??? One with the pen? D:

I have a whole bunch of those that I got for $5. IIRC, I have most of these, if not all: They might not be updated to the newest version, though. Since I’m not going to use any of it, it would probably be OK to donate them to LBC.

8 years ago

I’m kind of ambivalent about the new design, except that I cannot figure out how to move from one book cover to the next in comment view. I’ve been having to go back to the main page and then into the next cover, back to the main page, into the next cover and so on. Hopefully this functionality will be returned to the design (or perhaps someone will let me know where the next/previous links are).

8 years ago

I just lost all my crap. ALL. MY. CRAP.

But I like the new design. More compact. Less scrolling involved. I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.