The Ghost Family of Pennsylvania: A True Paranormal Story (True Tales of Ghostly Experiences Book 1)
It looks like someone wearing too much makeup tripped and face-planted.
The Ghost Family of Pennsylvania: A True Paranormal Story (True Tales of Ghostly Experiences Book 1)
It looks like someone wearing too much makeup tripped and face-planted.
Those baristas are getting creative. I’m used to the swirling patterns in my mocha, but this time it looks like some lips in my coffee.
Does this cover invoke fear? Only to those who have a phobia of Starbucks servers or are afraid of falling asleep and drowning in their giant cup of coffee.
I don’t mind the art, it’s the most interestinbg thing about this, but hate those stripes where the text is and the text itself. There are spookier fonts out there for sure. You could leave the black stripe at the bottom with the author’s name, but let the illustration fill up the rest of the cover and add an appropriate font for the title over that. Never use white as a background without outlining it. Its hard to see against a white page.
Needs a “Wet Paint” sign.