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8 years ago

Um, wow, this is a real book. At first I thought that Nathan was just messing with us on April 1st…

Take Cover
Take Cover
8 years ago

I thought long division was the hardest?

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
8 years ago
Reply to  Take Cover

Square roots are the hardest of all.

8 years ago

What is the giant jewelly streak/stream of puke?

8 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

A missile? A missile of puke.

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
8 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

A volcanic eruption? A glowing radioactive slug? A 1960s flashback?

8 years ago
Reply to  Naaman Brown

A volcanic eruption? A glowing radioactive slug? A 1960s flashback?

…the way the inside of my brain looks, when I am squinting at the bizarro-world oddities that appear on LBC, trying to figure out WTH they ARE, much less what they represent?

I have decided that deciphering LBC covers is, in a way, reminiscent of childhood. You all remember lying on your backs, staring up at the sky, watching clouds float by, and pointing them out to your buddies, saying, “Hey, that one looks like that little guy on the tricycle on Laugh-In!” (or your own pop-culture and cultural references).

Well, now we can do that with these covers. I stared at this one for so long (having that…WT[bleep] is that?” experience) that I actually started to think that the purply blob in the upper-left-hand corner was some type of magical horse.

But…it’s not. It’s just a bloody purple blob. The golden puke pile is just..I don’t know. Tortured Treasure? The gem-encrusted tears of Kimball BeCryin? Sheeeeeeeeeeeit, I’d be cryin’ too, if that was my damn cover.

8 years ago

It took a lot of work to make this cover so awful.

8 years ago

It’s like they spent hours coloring their intricate, ‘modern art’ background and then ran out of paint and patience.
“With a background that pretty, who needs to color in the boat?”

As for the font choices, well I wish they were half that size and fully transparent too. They are that bad.

8 years ago

“Kimball Mcryan” sounds to my brain like “Holden Mcgroin”.

8 years ago

And the color on the ship is leaking off into the ocean.

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
8 years ago
Reply to  Lydia

The ship has sailed into the Sea of Bleach.

john e. . .
8 years ago

I’d be McRyan too after spending time on this cover and ending up with this.