Mr. Kissinger has seen many things during his years as an international diplomat, but he has never before seen anyone carry around their own head on a stick and sing along with Edith Bunker.
11 years ago
D’awwww, I know that folded edge effect. I was greatly amused by it when I was 13 and got to edit some pictures in Corel. Oh, the memories~
Mr. Kissinger has seen many things during his years as an international diplomat, but he has never before seen anyone carry around their own head on a stick and sing along with Edith Bunker.
D’awwww, I know that folded edge effect. I was greatly amused by it when I was 13 and got to edit some pictures in Corel. Oh, the memories~
I literally laughed out loud. Of course, the title made wonder if there was a “Boxer Authority” as well.
Good gravy, what a mess.
Also, what is that lady holding in her fist?
I’ve watched enough pr0n to know what it *looks* like …
This is purely awful.
This is one helluva nightmare.