Seriously? What possessed the author to think think this was a good idea? Oops, sorry.
10 years ago
James F. Brown
10 years ago
Well, hey, at least it’s not portrait and squeezed… but probably only because the cover “artist” didn’t know how to rotate and alter the aspect ratio of the photo.
Oh for the love of…
The scales of justice will be tipped a-withershins unless the judge gets a larger bribe. It’s a wonder her head isn’t spinning around.
They really didn’t know when to stop with the Dutch Angle. I’m just grateful that she’s not upside down.
If she was sideways on purpose, with like a worried look on her face, and hair that didn’t defy gravity…
It could be…
What is with the piggy bank?
I give up trying to help this one out.
Seriously? What possessed the author to think think this was a good idea? Oops, sorry.
Well, hey, at least it’s not portrait and squeezed… but probably only because the cover “artist” didn’t know how to rotate and alter the aspect ratio of the photo.
Am I crazy, or has that image actually been stretched to fit that orientation?
Her stern expression is totally cancelled out by the adorable piggy bank.