Tyler’s Wife August 1, 2013NathanCovers9 Comments Tyler’s Wife The Attack of Tyler’s 50-Foot Woman! WTF Previous postThe New York Magician Next postA Trio of Blues
Yep, Tyler has a pretty wife…a pretty TALL wife. No wonder Tyler’s probably hiding somewhere in the basement. Yikes!
On the Miniature Ice Planet of Two Suns, Summer hopes that no one else will notice T yler ‘s bald spot.
I always love the ones where I begin thinking “I’ve seen worse on here…” and then I scroll down to a big ol’ helping of crazy.
Somebody spent a really, really long time cutting her out around the feathery tree tops….. sigh.
Wait, is she actually standing on the mountains in the badly proportioned background forests? That would make her more like 300 feet tall!
I take that back, 1 mile tall.
You’ve got to admire that woman: 1 mile tall and still looking upwards…
Kerning Police.
Who is T YLER?
Apparently T yler’s wife also noticed the dodgy text space.
FYI… I have met a few women who live in the forest, and they don’t look like that!