To me, this screams, “I just got my copyright back from the publisher, so let’s self-pub reprint this stuff.”
9 years ago
Sheesh, just pay for a dang stock photo of a sunset or something!
9 years ago
It’s a shame she didn’t get the cover art with the copyright :/. Although, today, the old cover would’ve looked dated. Which might be for the best because the book is written in that period… Anyways, it’s a shame the original belongs to the publisher. And I imagine the author didn’t earn much from the deal if she can’t afford a professional cover :(.
At least she bothered with the frame around her snapshot image. I just wish she hadn’t bothered with the clipart guns and glasses.
This cover makes me sad.
Oh, why the MS paint reborn tag? I don’t think you can do the frame in Paint, or the clipart. This is at least Word.
Hathryn Hockett and vase and flower arrangement … “Angel of Passion” (c)1989 (2015 Kindle) preceded on LBC by “River of Passion” (c)1993 (2013 Kindle edition cover art: flower arrangement and tribal mask) LBC May 12, 2015.
To me, this screams, “I just got my copyright back from the publisher, so let’s self-pub reprint this stuff.”
Sheesh, just pay for a dang stock photo of a sunset or something!
It’s a shame she didn’t get the cover art with the copyright :/. Although, today, the old cover would’ve looked dated. Which might be for the best because the book is written in that period… Anyways, it’s a shame the original belongs to the publisher. And I imagine the author didn’t earn much from the deal if she can’t afford a professional cover :(.
At least she bothered with the frame around her snapshot image. I just wish she hadn’t bothered with the clipart guns and glasses.
This cover makes me sad.
Oh, why the MS paint reborn tag? I don’t think you can do the frame in Paint, or the clipart. This is at least Word.
Ah WordArt how you deny a cover its goodness
Hathryn Hockett and vase and flower arrangement … “Angel of Passion” (c)1989 (2015 Kindle) preceded on LBC by “River of Passion” (c)1993 (2013 Kindle edition cover art: flower arrangement and tribal mask) LBC May 12, 2015.
Posren: The handles on the vase do sort of resemble angel wings.
Does anyone else see a pixelated pikachu looking at them through the glasses?
I see a troll with a pink flower in its green hair, standing with its hands on its Kim Kardashian-stylee hips.
Blurry flowers in an ugly vase sitting on a frumpy leather beanbag chair. Yep, that just SCREAMS romance and passion.