You don’t even have to buy it. I forget the exact formula right now, but with a little red food dye, and some home ingredients, kablammo! Hollywood fake blood.
Geeze, this one doesn’t even get points for trying, ‘cuz, let’s face it, folks….not sure that they’re trying
9 years ago
There was a recent news story about college students who are undergoing therapy because they were traumatized by sombreros at a tequila and sombrero party.
I hope their therapist has this cover hanging in the office.
Is that even what that is? I was so distracted by the painfully obvious ketchup that I hardly noticed it.
9 years ago
Guys. I’m going to blow your mind. I took a peak at the book, thinking we might be wrong and it’s actually about Mexican food–you know, a sombrero and ketchup, plus a guy that can’t wait to eat some. Turns out, it’s not a sombrero. It’s a flying saucer.
A side of nachos while anal-probing? That would be a bit unsanitary. Unless aliens eat actual Mexicans. In which case, cleaning the entrails before preparation and digestion would make sense.
‘Gray’ aliens are always all weird in literature.
They don’t steal because they don’t have a word for it in their language.
They can communicate with animals and tell them to stop barking (even the barking cats!).
They have empathy glands and can feel the world.
I suspect that they also have a strict washing probe policy, if only because they would get sick with guilt if they didn’t.
This cover is a longshot too.
Now I crave pizza :(.
I was thinking roast beef sandwich. But first I have to put that Lego sombrero away.
Looks more like a banana yellow UFO to me.
I don’t understand, you can get decent fake Halloween blood for like 2$, why ketchup? Food dye would’ve even worked better
You don’t even have to buy it. I forget the exact formula right now, but with a little red food dye, and some home ingredients, kablammo! Hollywood fake blood.
Geeze, this one doesn’t even get points for trying, ‘cuz, let’s face it, folks….not sure that they’re trying
There was a recent news story about college students who are undergoing therapy because they were traumatized by sombreros at a tequila and sombrero party.
I hope their therapist has this cover hanging in the office.
Their therapist probably made this cover.
Is that even what that is? I was so distracted by the painfully obvious ketchup that I hardly noticed it.
Guys. I’m going to blow your mind. I took a peak at the book, thinking we might be wrong and it’s actually about Mexican food–you know, a sombrero and ketchup, plus a guy that can’t wait to eat some. Turns out, it’s not a sombrero. It’s a flying saucer.
And I bet it’s not even about aliens who like Mexican food is it? 🙁
That would be a cool plot twist, though, wouldn’t it?
Human: Did you came here to abduct and anal-probe us?
Alien: No, man, I just came for some tacos.
Can’t it be both?
A side of nachos while anal-probing? That would be a bit unsanitary. Unless aliens eat actual Mexicans. In which case, cleaning the entrails before preparation and digestion would make sense.
It is just me, or is all this just a Weird Al song in the making?
We have weird, all we’re missing is Al.
Well not at the same time, and you would wash up after one before starting the other…
So, aliens believe in hygiene? It’s good to know that the probes were washed before, you know, insertion.
‘Gray’ aliens are always all weird in literature.
They don’t steal because they don’t have a word for it in their language.
They can communicate with animals and tell them to stop barking (even the barking cats!).
They have empathy glands and can feel the world.
I suspect that they also have a strict washing probe policy, if only because they would get sick with guilt if they didn’t.
I don’t know I always thought aliens just did The Probing for S&G’s anyway, so not washing them would probably make it funnier (to them)
You guys are all a bunch of weirdos.
Why thank you, Nathan, I think that’s the nicest thing you ever said to me <3 <3 <3
Eh, it’s a living.