Time Travel Adventures of the 1800 Club: Book VII July 27, 2013NathanCovers6 Comments Time Travel Adventures of the 1800 Club: Book VII No. No no no no no. Just no. font boredom instamatic pixelation text and more text Previous postMan Laws Revealed Next postTime Jump
On top of everything else, he misspells Jesse James’ name.
You missed the “bad spelling” tag. That’s just sad when your book title has a typo.
Not to mention the “bad grammar” tag. “Losses”? Ye gads.
Yup, Jesse James staying alive to rob a few more banks is right up there with Hitler beating the UK in WW2.
The one headstone is leaning over to whisper to the other: “Hey dude, is it just me or is this guy making a lot of mistakes with this cover?”
My God! HOW CAN THIS BE?!?!!?