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8 years ago

Wow. I like the astronaut (even though I have a strong suspicion it’s stolen) but everything else is so bad. Is that the new Death Star Starkiller thingy from the new Star Wars?

Take Cover
Take Cover
8 years ago
Reply to  Catie

I guess that’s a mic, but it sure looks like the astronaut guy has a cigarette hanging out of his mouth. How cool/noir would that be! They didn’t go that far even in Space Station 76.

8 years ago

You know…I’m probably gonna be the lone wolf on this one, but…I kinda like it. Assuming, of course, that the campy, bad-1950’s space-movie vibe is deliberate. The fonts are absolutely channeling that Saturday matinee/drive-in movie feeling. I’m not wild about the DeathSt*r ripoff, but otherwise…c’mon kids. You know we’ve seen a boatload worse.

8 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

Yeah, the idea behind it isn’t bad, it’s the execution that’s lacking. Personally I think both fonts are horrible, but that’s easily fixed. Change the font, take out the badly cut-out DeathStarThingy, possibly those pasted-on rockets, and you have a pretty decent cover with a certain old space opera feel to it. I really like the astronaut and the placement of him (her?) and the other elements. Even that nebula looks kinda nice. But the fonts and the Deathstarkiller are killing it.

Ron Miller
Ron Miller
8 years ago

Just check this out…


8 years ago
Reply to  Ron Miller

My god, it’s a gold mine.

Michael Drakich
8 years ago

Is it me? Or is the death star smiling?

Candy Kong
Candy Kong
8 years ago

Its five year mission, to make the worst book cover no man has made before

lol actually, it isn’t really that bad