Keep It Between Us


Keep It Between Us

In lieu of a comment, I present the Amazon description:

Best friends, Kim and Kevin, have been creepin, it’s always good times when they’re alone. The sex is really really good, he can’t get enough of her, and she can’t get enough of him, but what happens when Kevin’s wife finds out about his cheating ways? You dont wanna miss this one, trust me! Talking about Drama, let’s see you slip your way out of this one, Kevin.

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8 years ago

Yeah, I dont wanna miss that. Sure. Whatever you say.

What does creepin in this contest mean, anyway?

And talk about template… Not even caring that the preset position of the title is smack across the guy’s face. Would it kill her to align it to the right? Not that it would help that much, but there’s all that empty orange (peach?) background that could easily accommodate the title.

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
8 years ago

Lousy Book Cover Rule #umpteen: If there is plenty of empty space, put the title over a character’s face. Leave the empty space pristine. Just because lousy.

First visit to new LBC layout. ♪ ♫ I grew accustomed to the site’s face ♪ ♫ Then it had plastic surgery…. This will take me a while to get used to.

Candy Kong
Candy Kong
8 years ago

By keep it between us, they meant that font.

Could’ve actually been a good cover had they not pasted the title all over the dude’s face.