The Dragon Realms – Book one – The Wood Carver February 18, 2016NathanCovers10 Comments The Dragon Realms – Book one – The Wood Carver ProTip: Make sure you haven’t left a typo IN YOUR OWN NAME. (h/t Bruce) bad font choice typo WTF Previous postRabbit Creek Santa Next postA Magical Summer
I had no idea trees could burp.
Notice the painted black hole on that tree from which the yellow WTFians are floating out of.
Are the dragons hiding? I’m confused. Is this a fantasy novel about fireflies.
Are the dragons hiding? I’m confused. Is this a fantasy novel about fireflies?
Maybe it’s a dragon burping from the fake hole in the tree?
Looks like one of the more ornate pasta shapes.
I’m going to nominate Kent STinger for worst proofreading in self-pub book covers.
You guys do realize that–even worse–that could be deliberate, right?
“The Wood Carver is the first story about the hidden dragon realms. Realms created by dragons to hide and protect the mystic creatures of our fairy tails.”
Yes, fairy tails.
Wait, I have a tail? Or do you guys have a tail? I don’t know if I should feel insulted or excluded.
All I can see is a tree horking flower pasta.