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9 years ago

…has ‘By Tamara Wilding’ just never seen a closed eye before? Because that thing is really screwed up.

9 years ago
Reply to  Grackle

Screw that, Grackle–what the heck is that background? Is that…is that like a cheap paperbag that you bring back from the deli? What, she scanned it?

The best thing that could happen to the World would be to have a future unseeing this doozy.

john e. . .
9 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

She scanned the bag and then took a picture of the scan on her monitor, because she couldn’t figure out how to crop it.

9 years ago
Reply to  Grackle

I thought it was supposed to be a pair of lips, creating a cheap Picasso look.

I imagine that “By Tamara Wilding” has pinwheels throughout her garden, for she seems rather fond of the look.

9 years ago
Reply to  Grackle

It must be a cellphone selfie of By Tamara’s eyes looking out from inside a paper bag.

john e. . .
9 years ago

The cover of this book, by By Tamara Wilding, is pretty representative of the truly lame book covers featured on this site.

With that in mind, I would like to share this post from a favorite blog of mine, Scarfolk Council. This particular post features absolutely awesome covers for books that don’t even exist – Romance Novels (1970s).

It boggles the mind that someone can create such great parody pieces when we have actually writers publishing actual books (okay – actual “collections of words”) who can’t be bothered to produce an even service-able cover.

These covers are so bad that I don’t think we could ever truly parody their “style.”

9 years ago
Reply to  john e. . .

This blog is excellent! Thanks for the recommendation.

9 years ago
Reply to  Grackle

Yup, the link to the blog ALONE is worth suffering through this cover. Thanks, john e.!

9 years ago
Reply to  john e. . .

Thank youuuu, I keep refinding it and then forgetting the name – I may have to tattoo it somewhere. 🙂

9 years ago

Well the world will mostly never see this book. Can I please unsee it? I didn’t realise those blobs were eyes, until Grackle told me so above. Now the sick one gives me the creeps, so double please…

Candy Kong
Candy Kong
8 years ago

It’s bad when your own cover is falling asleep on you.