The cover of this book, by By Tamara Wilding, is pretty representative of the truly lame book covers featured on this site.
With that in mind, I would like to share this post from a favorite blog of mine, Scarfolk Council. This particular post features absolutely awesome covers for books that don’t even exist – Romance Novels (1970s).
It boggles the mind that someone can create such great parody pieces when we have actually writers publishing actual books (okay – actual “collections of words”) who can’t be bothered to produce an even service-able cover.
These covers are so bad that I don’t think we could ever truly parody their “style.”
Thank youuuu, I keep refinding it and then forgetting the name – I may have to tattoo it somewhere. 🙂
9 years ago
Well the world will mostly never see this book. Can I please unsee it? I didn’t realise those blobs were eyes, until Grackle told me so above. Now the sick one gives me the creeps, so double please…
Candy Kong
8 years ago
It’s bad when your own cover is falling asleep on you.
…has ‘By Tamara Wilding’ just never seen a closed eye before? Because that thing is really screwed up.
Screw that, Grackle–what the heck is that background? Is that…is that like a cheap paperbag that you bring back from the deli? What, she scanned it?
The best thing that could happen to the World would be to have a future unseeing this doozy.
She scanned the bag and then took a picture of the scan on her monitor, because she couldn’t figure out how to crop it.
I thought it was supposed to be a pair of lips, creating a cheap Picasso look.
I imagine that “By Tamara Wilding” has pinwheels throughout her garden, for she seems rather fond of the look.
It must be a cellphone selfie of By Tamara’s eyes looking out from inside a paper bag.
The cover of this book, by By Tamara Wilding, is pretty representative of the truly lame book covers featured on this site.
With that in mind, I would like to share this post from a favorite blog of mine, Scarfolk Council. This particular post features absolutely awesome covers for books that don’t even exist – Romance Novels (1970s).
It boggles the mind that someone can create such great parody pieces when we have actually writers publishing actual books (okay – actual “collections of words”) who can’t be bothered to produce an even service-able cover.
These covers are so bad that I don’t think we could ever truly parody their “style.”
This blog is excellent! Thanks for the recommendation.
Yup, the link to the blog ALONE is worth suffering through this cover. Thanks, john e.!
Thank youuuu, I keep refinding it and then forgetting the name – I may have to tattoo it somewhere. 🙂
Well the world will mostly never see this book. Can I please unsee it? I didn’t realise those blobs were eyes, until Grackle told me so above. Now the sick one gives me the creeps, so double please…
It’s bad when your own cover is falling asleep on you.