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9 years ago

I have never seen anyone hold a pencil like that.

9 years ago

This is just terrible.

To Catie’s point, has the author never seen anyone hold a pencil before? Or seen a pencil for that matter?

9 years ago
Reply to  DED

What was the author looking at when she drew this picture of a hand holding a pencil?

Take Cover
Take Cover
9 years ago
Reply to  DED

‘My pencil,’ Mr Beavis was forced to explain. ‘Penecillus: diminutive of peniculus: double diminutive of penis; which as you know,’ he went on, at last producing the teeny weeny weeny from his inside left-breast pocket, ‘originally meant a tail.’
(Eyeless in Gaza)

9 years ago

It isn’t even printer paper–it’s the back of some documents or an order form or something. You can see “Shipping List” upside down at the bottom. Good freakin’ grief.

9 years ago

This is just the laziest damn thing ever. Plain text on a white backdrop would have been better.

James F. Brown
James F. Brown
9 years ago
Reply to  Viergacht

And even better with white text! 🙂

9 years ago

I’m really taken with the stuff on the opposite side of the paper. The shipping list, as Grackle pointed out, the receipt…just loverly.

Aside from the puppet-hand, anyone else bothered by the fact that by any normal European-Western Hemisphere reading method, the title is ALSO out of order? Surely, we’d read the higher-on-the-sheet text first, right? the “Because I have loved” text? Sheeeeiiiii***. Yup, it’s true. This is actually terrible.

9 years ago

I see she learned to hold her pencil from some of my cello students. Or my cat.

9 years ago
Reply to  Pidge

It is a left-handed, over the shoulder, kind of grip on that pencil. No wonder the writing looks so awful.

Sneaky Burrito
9 years ago
Reply to  EricL

As a lefty, let me just say, it is impossible to actually control a writing implement with one’s hand in that position. Not even an enormously large one with a diameter half the size of that of my forearm…

Annie Moose
Annie Moose
9 years ago

I think this is possibly the worst cover ever featured here, and that’s a fairly impressive achievement.

john e. . .
9 years ago
Reply to  Annie Moose


I thought Annie Moose might have overstated things. But the more I look at it . . . the more I think she is right. I do think this is horrible. I do think this level of sheer terribleness might be the mostest ever reached.

I hope we never venture this far up the terrible scale again.