The child (the one behind the boat) and the boat (the one in front of the child) are the only two things on this cover that are not crimes against the entire human race.
Seriously Robin, you should have just stolen that one picture, and then stopped.
That’s it! Art from the charts of the tidal flow of the great Maelstrom whirlpool between Lofoten Point and Mosken and Vaeroy Islands! Credit due to Gjevi, Moe and Ommundsen, “Strong Topographic Enhancement of Tidal Currents: Tales of the Maelstrom”, Dept. Math., U. Oslo, Norway, 1997.
Flapjack is that you? did you finally find candy island.
10 years ago
The figure on the left looks like it’s been copied from a photograph. Although it’s poorly drawn, it’s at least reasonably anatomical. The one on the right, however, looks like they couldn’t find any picture to base it on and completely disregarded anatomy because of it. WHY are all the features on the face shaped nothing anything like eyes and noses and mouths on an actual person? Why are there all those lines around them, as though they somehow mitigate for the blatant failure to in any way resemble reality?
It looks like each kid was drawn by a different person – the eyes and noses are all differently mutilated.
And even close up I struggled to read the subtitle. Nothing like Courier to spice up a cover, eh?
Looks that way to me, too.
The child (the one behind the boat) and the boat (the one in front of the child) are the only two things on this cover that are not crimes against the entire human race.
Seriously Robin, you should have just stolen that one picture, and then stopped.
I’d say the lighthouse is OK. And that’s all.
Mutants or demons?
Neither. Pillsbury Doughboy Impersonators.
I can’t stop staring at the blond kid’s hair. It’s like a map of an ocean current.
That’s it! Art from the charts of the tidal flow of the great Maelstrom whirlpool between Lofoten Point and Mosken and Vaeroy Islands! Credit due to Gjevi, Moe and Ommundsen, “Strong Topographic Enhancement of Tidal Currents: Tales of the Maelstrom”, Dept. Math., U. Oslo, Norway, 1997.
A curious mixture of charming and inept.
Demon Mutant Dolls.
You’re welcome.
Flapjack is that you? did you finally find candy island.
The figure on the left looks like it’s been copied from a photograph. Although it’s poorly drawn, it’s at least reasonably anatomical. The one on the right, however, looks like they couldn’t find any picture to base it on and completely disregarded anatomy because of it. WHY are all the features on the face shaped nothing anything like eyes and noses and mouths on an actual person? Why are there all those lines around them, as though they somehow mitigate for the blatant failure to in any way resemble reality?