Would have been OK without the mops and the misshapen mog silhouette and all that other crap on it. And the title at the bottom and everything in a better font.
There’s usually an alpha pair – one male and one female at the top. Though none of the guys on this cover look like alpha material, the blond dude’s a delta at best.
10 years ago
She has a “package”… awkward.
Naaman Brown
10 years ago
How does one “win” at “fake hair”, and what is the trophy? A replica of Trump’s toupee?
It is just so confusing! What is going on with the hair?
Cat-hair wigs, obviously! 🙂
Would have been OK without the mops and the misshapen mog silhouette and all that other crap on it. And the title at the bottom and everything in a better font.
How can there be more than one alpha? I thought that was the point of an alpha in a pack (or pride or whatever) — that there was ONE leader.
There’s usually an alpha pair – one male and one female at the top. Though none of the guys on this cover look like alpha material, the blond dude’s a delta at best.
She has a “package”… awkward.
How does one “win” at “fake hair”, and what is the trophy? A replica of Trump’s toupee?
Alpha Romeos!
HA HA HA!!!! I get it!
Fake hair – because they’re worth it. 😉
For Australian TV & Radio fans out there… don’t our two boys look rather similar to Hamish Blake and Andy Lee?
Only if they were caught in a coiffure tornado!
(I don’t know who they are, but how often do you get to say coiffure tornado?)
Is it just me or is the person on the left stoned?