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8 years ago

Sex lies? Sex lies and insurance claims? What does sex lie about and what does insurance claim? Is what insurance claims also a lie, or are those claims true?

I’m kinda liking this cover (don’t shoot me). If only it weren’t completely and entirely purple, didn’t have that cartoon on the top left, and had the blasted comma in the right place. Even the font works for this kind of thing. The photo is appropriate and of decent quality. And the text and more text is actually clever, as opposed to your typical LBT summary-on-the-freaking-cover that goes something like “this writing is so boring that you wouldn’t believe how boring this writing is very boring” (at least that’s how I remember it, I may not be quoting it to the letter).

8 years ago

Can I go on record as hating the phrase “adult beverage”? Just say booze, people.

8 years ago

It kind of looks like the minivan on the left is towing an outhouse.