Commander Cody might have been in the public domain by the time The Rocketeer was made.
Take Cover
9 years ago
I’m not quite sure what Mr Bob plans to do with that… extensible antenna? But heck, the artwork is great, and this would be a pretty good cover if it wasn’t for the ludicrous font.
As for rattling Disney’s cage, I’m guessing Mr Shaner won’t be too pleased either. Contrary to popular belief, leaving the artist’s signature intact doesn’t make it OK.
No copyright infringement there, naw, not a bit.
Nothing more fun than playing poke-the-copyright-bear with Disney.
Playing with the trademark tiger can be … spectacular.
Hey, let’s not forget Commander Cody. Disney Pix ripped that one off for The Rocketeer.
(Trivia: One of the bad guys in the CC serial was played by Clayton Moore — The Lone Ranger. His voice is unforgettable.)
Correction: Commando Cody. Serial was “Radar Men from the Moon.”
Commander Cody might have been in the public domain by the time The Rocketeer was made.
I’m not quite sure what Mr Bob plans to do with that… extensible antenna? But heck, the artwork is great, and this would be a pretty good cover if it wasn’t for the ludicrous font.
As for rattling Disney’s cage, I’m guessing Mr Shaner won’t be too pleased either. Contrary to popular belief, leaving the artist’s signature intact doesn’t make it OK.
Wouldn’t removing the signature change unauthorized use from mere theft to heinous plagiarism?
I just let him know. Thanks for finding this Takeums!
All to say nothing of Dave Stevens’ estate…