Straw Girl February 1, 2016NathanCovers4 Comments Straw Girl There is some confusion as to whether the title is “Straw Girl” or “Strawgirl.” Controversy! aspect ratio cut and paste instamatic pixelation Previous postMysteries of Mount Shasta: Home Of The Underground Dwellers and Ancient Gods Next postThe UNNOTICED: UFOs and Aliens are Real.
The “girl” appears to be made of wood, so shouldn’t the title either be “Wood Girl” or “Girl in the Straw”? 😉
This looks like it could be a mock-up for a horror novel cover. But… yeah.
FWIW, Abby Padgett is a serious author. I admit I don’t adore the cover, but it’s likely she had a friend or family member do it for her.
Jus’ sayin’.
Some friend!