Out of Exodia


Out of Exodia

And yes, we have no bananas.

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Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
8 years ago

I didn’t wanna be mean and crack a joke about Out of Exodia – Out of Focus so I went to the Amazon Page and Look Inside! with expanded view and collapsed book data (left) and Discover More Books (right) for a full view on a 12″ screen.

I must say that is Out of Focus! Gee, Focus, people, focus!

8 years ago

Nathan, did you pick up a thumbnail by mistake? This thing is so low res the people have melted into one big blotch of honey.

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
8 years ago
Reply to  Catie

Butting in. That’s the actual full size cover posted on the Amazon Look Inside! page for this title.

Now that you made me look, it does look better at 25% than it does at 100%.

8 years ago
Reply to  Nathan

I wasn’t really doubting you 😛 But it’s possible the author did upload a thumbnail by mistake. It wouldn’t surprise me. Not that the full res would make this cover look much better.