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9 years ago

Well look at that. The bug smear on my windshield looks like a prairie gal… or maybe a super skinny elephant head with white tusks…

Max Astrophel
Max Astrophel
9 years ago

Every single cover on this site was the result of someone looking it and pronouncing it good enough. One of my favourite pasttimes now is showing this site to friends and cataloguing their reactions — all beautiful.

Now to somehow find the money in advance of my own book’s publication for cover art…

9 years ago
Reply to  Max Astrophel

Good book covers are not as expensive as they used to be. Here’s a list of several of them (including Nathan).

9 years ago
Reply to  DED

I should’ve said, “Here’s a list of several designers that offer customizable covers.”

Max Astrophel
Max Astrophel
9 years ago
Reply to  DED

Nathan would be a great book cover.

All intentional misunderstandings aside, I’ve spent a lot of time looking at a lot of excellently designed covers and come to the conclusion I want a watercolour piece for mine — which is more niche and presumably more expensive.

9 years ago
Reply to  Max Astrophel

Did you browse deviantart.com? There are a lot of aspiring artists there who are skilled enough but not established enough to charge full market prices. And a lot of skilled amateurs who wouldn’t mind some extra cash. Some kids over there that draw for fun are better than some pro artists who work in the industry.

9 years ago
Reply to  DED

I prefer pretending that Nathan is a cover.