For some reason, all I can think is, “Honey badger don’t care; Honey badger don’t give a shit.”
Damn you, interwebz!
9 years ago
I thought either a badger or wolverine.
Naaman Brown
9 years ago
Yep, Southeast Asian sun bear, probably Malayan honey bear. Dang it. I had a “Stop badgering” joke composed until I read the comments and researched WikiP. The book is about an American Indian and “a gigantic bear”; WikiP: “The sun bear is the smallest of the bears.”
PosRein. 1:1 aspect ratio, no unkerned Papyrus, new subject: gigantic honey bears in pre-Columbian Mississippi.
L-Plate Pen
9 years ago
I like to imagine the bear is going “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!”
James F. Brown
9 years ago
A bear s**ts in the woods…
“Aieeeeeeeeeeee. Please God, make the rectal burn stop. I swear I’ll never eat raw Jalapeños ever again.”
I can’t believe that that’s a ripped-off meme. Makes me wanna cry.
$5 says the next one is either the “most interesting man in the world” meme, or..Oh, I know!!! I know!! It’ll be GrumpyCat!
Is that a discolored fur patch on the bear? It looks like his chest have been carved out. Either that, or he’s Batman.
It’s a sun bear, they all have that chest patch.
What’s really special is that the book is apparently set in ancient Mississippi, and the sun bear is from SE Asia…
For some reason, all I can think is, “Honey badger don’t care; Honey badger don’t give a shit.”
Damn you, interwebz!
I thought either a badger or wolverine.
Yep, Southeast Asian sun bear, probably Malayan honey bear. Dang it. I had a “Stop badgering” joke composed until I read the comments and researched WikiP. The book is about an American Indian and “a gigantic bear”; WikiP: “The sun bear is the smallest of the bears.”
PosRein. 1:1 aspect ratio, no unkerned Papyrus, new subject: gigantic honey bears in pre-Columbian Mississippi.
I like to imagine the bear is going “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!”
A bear s**ts in the woods…
“Aieeeeeeeeeeee. Please God, make the rectal burn stop. I swear I’ll never eat raw Jalapeños ever again.”
I can’t believe that that’s a ripped-off meme. Makes me wanna cry.
$5 says the next one is either the “most interesting man in the world” meme, or..Oh, I know!!! I know!! It’ll be GrumpyCat!
I don’t think it is a meme. Nathan just made it look like one with Impact Font.
Rats. You guys are buzzkills. I was all psyched up for Grumpy Cat as the star of a new, UNIQUE and custom-made cover.
I think that’s where Nathan made his improved version of the original cover and that’s not the source of the original.
This is correct.