I guess when most sloppy porn sells for $0.99, or even free, you just can’t spend a lotta dough on covers. Oui?
My inference from the punctuation of the title is that this pack is co-lead by the two men (is that men? or two different views of the SAME man, anybody have an idea?), as it says “leaders’ mate?”
9 years ago
Wolfie, naked people in suggestive poses, and a large celestial orb too close to the planet? Wow. It’s as if the author is trying to get her cover on here.
Take Cover
9 years ago
By ‘crowd’ I think you mean ‘double penetration’?
But you gotta love how that giant strawberry(?) has impaled itself on that phallic rock and is making everything glow orange. Is it a metaphor for sexual passion or is it just random?
I guess when most sloppy porn sells for $0.99, or even free, you just can’t spend a lotta dough on covers. Oui?
My inference from the punctuation of the title is that this pack is co-lead by the two men (is that men? or two different views of the SAME man, anybody have an idea?), as it says “leaders’ mate?”
Wolfie, naked people in suggestive poses, and a large celestial orb too close to the planet? Wow. It’s as if the author is trying to get her cover on here.
By ‘crowd’ I think you mean ‘double penetration’?
But you gotta love how that giant strawberry(?) has impaled itself on that phallic rock and is making everything glow orange. Is it a metaphor for sexual passion or is it just random?
At least Wolfie’s enjoying the show.