*DANG* Should have said “Double HELPING of amateurism”!
#thesecondthoughtisalwaysbetter 😉
11 years ago
This cover is pretty close. I love the color scheme (though may be messed up slightly at the bottom). It really jumped out and grabbed me. Of course, when you view a not-so-bad cover on a lousy cover website, it does stand out better. The hand is a little sloppy, but if it’s supposed to be cartoonish, I could live with that. The font is clear… I bet Comic Sans is chosen often because it seems all right from the poor selection of preinstalled print-like fonts. Still, if this were a book that I like to read, I wouldn’t mind holding this cover in my hands.
11 years ago
Yeah, the picture is OK, grabs attention and is sort of funny. Just the font drags it down, big time.
Double whammy of amateurism.
*DANG* Should have said “Double HELPING of amateurism”!
#thesecondthoughtisalwaysbetter 😉
This cover is pretty close. I love the color scheme (though may be messed up slightly at the bottom). It really jumped out and grabbed me. Of course, when you view a not-so-bad cover on a lousy cover website, it does stand out better. The hand is a little sloppy, but if it’s supposed to be cartoonish, I could live with that. The font is clear… I bet Comic Sans is chosen often because it seems all right from the poor selection of preinstalled print-like fonts. Still, if this were a book that I like to read, I wouldn’t mind holding this cover in my hands.
Yeah, the picture is OK, grabs attention and is sort of funny. Just the font drags it down, big time.
Gobble, gobble, gobble. DON’T SHOOT!
All that cover is missing is a little Bleeding Cowboys.
Oh, schure, Nathan, the font is cruel but shooting that poor defenseless turkey is not?!:)
You would rather EAT IT ALIVE??? What kind of sadist are you? (Plus, harder to make gravy that way.)