Running Amuc January 1, 2016NathanCovers7 Comments Running Amuc Happy New Year! Here’s this. cut and paste font boredom MS Paint reborn! WTF Previous postCloverdale “Wandelen Boom” Next postObsessed With Taylor James
Looks like something I brought home from 7th grade metal shop.
An Inca or Aztec ice sculpture named Amuc? It’ll run itself as it melts.
For some reason my first thought was, “Yes! My A-didas!”
Then I was sad because I realized this was not about Run DMC.
No wait, gimme a sec, I got this…. I know! Someone has shrink-wrapped the innards of an old CRT monitor! And stood it up on its glass screen!
I think we’re getting to the POS Horizon. That mythical place where any of these covers would be better served by a photo of a big steaming stinking pile of sh*t than the covers posted here.
I know what this is! It’s a real life model of one of the levels from an old Atari ST game!
The tale of an anthropomorphic bismuth crystal named Amuc training for a marathon? Maybe? Urgh.