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9 years ago

To quote somebody that posts either here or a CC.com, “Sweet Baby Jesus!” Talk about making your eyes bleed!

On top of all that, the font is horribly unreadable. I thought that this said “Hop Stars, Cober 2.” Of all the things, WHY do people do this? Font is supposed to enhance the reading experience, not hinder it.

9 years ago

Only one thing to say:

Jim D.
Jim D.
9 years ago

“L. Hawkins is a writer for Jirehis Publications where she authors books under the pen name ALm HLgh.”

Um, what?

L-Plate Pen
L-Plate Pen
9 years ago

‘Fap Stars Gober 2?’ Do I need/want to know that features ‘Instant Play’ and introduces ‘Mindless Distraction?’