To quote somebody that posts either here or a, “Sweet Baby Jesus!” Talk about making your eyes bleed!
On top of all that, the font is horribly unreadable. I thought that this said “Hop Stars, Cober 2.” Of all the things, WHY do people do this? Font is supposed to enhance the reading experience, not hinder it.
9 years ago
Only one thing to say:
Jim D.
9 years ago
“L. Hawkins is a writer for Jirehis Publications where she authors books under the pen name ALm HLgh.”
Um, what?
L-Plate Pen
9 years ago
‘Fap Stars Gober 2?’ Do I need/want to know that features ‘Instant Play’ and introduces ‘Mindless Distraction?’
To quote somebody that posts either here or a, “Sweet Baby Jesus!” Talk about making your eyes bleed!
On top of all that, the font is horribly unreadable. I thought that this said “Hop Stars, Cober 2.” Of all the things, WHY do people do this? Font is supposed to enhance the reading experience, not hinder it.
Only one thing to say:
“L. Hawkins is a writer for Jirehis Publications where she authors books under the pen name ALm HLgh.”
Um, what?
‘Fap Stars Gober 2?’ Do I need/want to know that features ‘Instant Play’ and introduces ‘Mindless Distraction?’