The Saga of Sordic: The First Dreamlight
This could have looked really good, if someone had had any clue what to do with type.
The Saga of Sordic: The First Dreamlight
This could have looked really good, if someone had had any clue what to do with type.
An excellent use of stock imagery. It is a real shame the text kills the power of the image.
It is really a shame. The graphics on this are quite good. Hell, I hope that they hear about this and drop by; maybe they can take a hint and fix the dreadful fonts, etc. That would make that cover soooooooooo much better.
Posren: It’s a Saga not a Short Story.
Man, I hate it when graffiti artists spray paint my byline!
For indie small press or ebook, this art is good, but the type and font layout is bad. A cover with bad art and bad lettering is a bad joke: this is tragic. Missed it by that much.
There are newbie artists out there who, given this art and told the series, title and author, would have done better for $20 or less (or even free just for the credit, exposure and practice).