A Republic of Wolves, A City of Ghosts


A Republic of Wolves, A City of Ghosts

You’ll be happy (?) to know that the ebook cover is just as bad, but in different ways.


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11 years ago

My money is on the ghosts.

Michael Waller
Michael Waller
11 years ago

At least the person is consistent.

Colin Fisher
11 years ago

Thank you Nathan for including my book cover in your post. I deleted the ebook on Amazon a while back and substituted the same cover I used for the paperback on a new ebook version of the novel. Thanks for letting me know it’s still being made available. I’ll get on to Amazon about that. I didn’t design that one. And like you, I have to say I don’t like it very much. As for the contents, it’s had five 5 star reviews on Goodreads and a couple of 5 star on Amazon.