Willow, Wish for me… December 3, 2015NathanCovers13 Comments Willow, Wish for me… What. The. Hell. mismatched art styles pseudohumans WTF Previous postArsonist Next postShadow Run
At first glance, it looked like the guy was doing something I don’t even want to speculate about to the donkey…
Well, that’s enough Internet for me today, folks.
Did the author even look at…oh, never mind! Time to bleach my brain.
I hate it when I am just about to make out and a donkey in a wizard hat shows up as a Peeping Jack. That spoils the mood every time.
And Merlin worked so hard trying to be inconspicuous.
Dude: Merlin’s the MULE, of course. And for an extra-special double-helping of WT-Frack, you should read THIS glowing review: http://www.amazon.com/gp/customer-reviews/R2E4QJ8TQC8NE7/ref=cm_cr_pr_rvw_ttl?ie=UTF8&ASIN=B007VA4FTO . UNfreaking-believable.
‘Then she has company coming for breakfast’ is not a phrase you often see in book reviews.
What the hell.
ESL? All your bad English review belong us.
Shrek and Princess Fiona were thoroughly enjoying the fancy dress orgy – but they wished donkey had made a bit more of an effort…
More Shrek fan-fic?
Merlin certainly seems to be enjoying his destiny, no matter what number it is.
Hey, izzat the donkey from Shrek? What’s he doing on this cover?