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9 years ago

With Seven 5 Star reviews no less.

It makes me sad because my book doesn’t even have half as many reviews as that, and one is low star because they were completely upset with the lack of murderfucking.

Oh well, I should be happy people read my book at all, murderfucking or not.

9 years ago

They blurred out the title because it’s an innocent victim in this crime.

9 years ago

It looks exactly the same when I take my glasses off.

9 years ago
Reply to  red

@Red: is that intended as PosRein? 😀

@Waffs: obviously, your family and friends just don’t love you as much as Jeanne’s love her. Sheesh, how could you not know that?

Maybe what happens to Harriet is that she becomes blurry, right before she becomes invisible?

9 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

One of my all-time favorites:

9 years ago
Reply to  red

Liver Sacks?

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
9 years ago
Reply to  misterfweem

O Liver Sacks
The Mind’s Eye

A poetry book of odes to bags of organs?

9 years ago
Reply to  red

This seems like a good spot to attach a quote from the Wikipedia article about the fellow who designed that cover (not the HH one):

. . . Oliver Sacks and other authors have contract clauses stating that Kidd design their books. . . .

Kidd has often downplayed the importance of cover designs, stating, “I’m very much against the idea that the cover will sell the book. Marketing departments of publishing houses tend to latch onto this concept and they can’t let go. But it’s about whether the book itself really connects with the public, and the cover is only a small part of that.” He is also known to be humorously self-deprecating about his work with statements such as “I piggy-backed my career on the backs of authors, not the other way around.


9 years ago

I was wondering if my internet connection was slow and the image hadn’t fully downloaded yet. Guess not; it’s intentionally blurry.

9 years ago
Reply to  DED

LOL, I was wondering the same thing.

9 years ago

What on earth could possibly convince someone that not only blurring the title to the point of illegibility but then FADING it out would be a good idea?! I know there are a lot of weird book covers on this site but I am so completely baffled by this one!

And if she was going to run with this ‘design’ why doesn’t it extend to her name too?

john e. . .
9 years ago

This just makes me want to take a spoon to my eyeballs.