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john e. . .
9 years ago

Dude, put some clothes on. Where do you think you are, Berkeley or something?

9 years ago

PosRein: The Moon is round.

john e. . .
9 years ago

My favorite part – the guy in bubble.

This doofus doesn’t know that giant, sentient bubbles only exist on the ocean, and only in and around tropical islands.

James F. Brown
James F. Brown
9 years ago

I just love these nut jobs who put Ph.D after their names, as if that gives them some sort of glorified, enhanced credibility. Yeah, right.

And I always wonder what subject they got that Ph.D in, and what diploma mill/for-profit “university” they got it from…

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
9 years ago
Reply to  James F. Brown

Or, if they had their last name changed to “, Ph.D.”

Sneaky Burrito
9 years ago
Reply to  James F. Brown

Agreed. Having spent six years in grad school and known many PhDs (and earned one, myself, at Georgia Tech, a real school!), I just don’t know a single person who actually does that when they publish, unless it is required by the journal/publisher, which is rare. I suppose it is just sort of assumed that you have one if you are chemistry/biochemistry faculty (granted, I didn’t interact with people outside my field very often).

I looked this guy up. And he is *interesting.* His whole thing is the political implications of extraterrestrial life. But his website is full of nut-job theories about the Germans (before and during WWII) and the Russians working with aliens and such, to develop weapons.

He apparently does have a real PhD, though (in government):


9 years ago
Reply to  James F. Brown

There is a “Church” in CA that sells a few doctorate certificates for as little as $40. You can become a Grand Master Brain Wizard in the church for only $14. I’d read a book by a Grand Master Brain Wizard!

9 years ago

It looks like some kind of brochure for Scientology, but I didn’t know that the Blue Man Group were part of that religion…