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9 years ago

Obviously, the government interfered and censored both the face and the speech balloon. They are out to get us. I know they are! They purposely sabotaged a great book cover!!!!!!!!!!

9 years ago
Reply to  EricL

Dude, really? Nyet–they took all the fun right out of a good conspiracy, here. It’s hard to imagine that a conspiracy could be this boring, but…there you are.

9 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

I tried. Maybe, this is about the terrible Metric Conspiracy or the infamous Paper or Plastic Controversy…

9 years ago

I really don’t get the speech balloon.

The building’s floor plan actually makes a clown-like smiley face where the person’s face should be. If that was intentional, it is kind of clever, though I really don’t understand why they did that.

The sketch-like art of the U.S. Capitol building would make sense as the sole visual element in the center. I don’t understand why they put it where they did, subservient to a photo that doesn’t fill the cover and thus seems like it was just casually dropped in.

Basically, I see two covers here, either one of which might have been plausible by itself, but instead, for some reason, the artist put them side by side.

Still, something about it makes me wonder if there’s something more to this cover that I just don’t get.

9 years ago
Reply to  dgatwood

I really don’t get the speech balloon.
I really don’t understand why they did that.
I don’t understand why they put it where they did,
. . . seems like it was just casually dropped in.
. . . but instead, for some reason,
. . . it makes me wonder

(Ssshhh, you’ll unveil the conspiracy!)