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Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
9 years ago

I have not seen a crescent moon at night that close to
the horizon lit from above. Where I live, at night the sun is below the horizon, and the cresent faces the sun.

9 years ago
Reply to  Naaman Brown

If you’re at the equator, it can be lit from the bottom. And it could be lit from the top like that if you’re at the equator during an eclipse, I *think*. But yeah, that’s weird.

9 years ago

photobombing Marie Antoinette.

9 years ago
Reply to  Kregger

Kregger: Dude, that ain’t Marie there, although it sure looks like her. The cover designer REALLY needed Marie–or someone else wearing a light wig. The brunette (?) hair simply melts into the dark background.

I’m with Naaman…here on earth, most crescent moons don’t look like that one thar. 🙂 Perhaps that is supposed to be the shadow of her gigantic noggin?

john e. . .
9 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

Maybe that ain’t earth she’s on. Maybe that is earth up in the sky and she is in . . . Heaven.

Clouds are a little bit wispy here. She must be in one of the badder parts of the great beyond for the kinda good people that don’t belong in hell, but didn’t bother doing enough giving on earth to build one of them gold mansions up where Noah lives.

9 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

Maybe the Headless Horsewoman without her horse?

9 years ago

She’s so evil, light even goes around her.