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9 years ago

Photobombing Sen. Bear.

9 years ago

That “fade to black” makes it look like she is a “he” with a five o’clock shadow. Not even mentioning he/she’s terrible birth defect where 90% of he/she’s head never formed.

As for the giant wolf that’s as big as a grizzly or an elephant… well, it almost distracts me from the poor person with most of his/her head missing. Double fail on this cover.

john e. . .
9 years ago

I see a different sort of fail. I think the artist meant to flop the big-as-a-bear wolf head and line it up on top of the torso.

I would read a book about whatever kind of chimera that would produce. So long as the protaganist is called “Wolfie,” or better yet, “Wolfina! She-Bitch of the haunted forest.”

9 years ago
Reply to  john e. . .

I would so read that book.

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
9 years ago

I find headless torso covers to be a turnoff. Why? Why? I am beginning to suspect that all these headless model covers are a subterfuge: if the models’ faces were shown, it would be obvious the art was stolen. There is no other excuse to me to not show the models’ faces.

9 years ago

A female headless torso for a change. This cover strikes a blow for equality!

9 years ago
Reply to  Ericb


9 years ago

That’s a damn nice Belgian Malinois there, by golly. (Belgian Shepherd). Oh, wait–is he posing as a wolf for this cover?

I’m down with Naaman on these headless horseman covers.

9 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

> Belgian Malinois

Thank you for observing that. You have managed to explain my comment to me. I woke up in the middle of the night realizing that the Belgian Malinois on the TV show Person of Interest is named . . . Bear. Until then I did not have any idea why I connected the dots the way I did. (POI is/was one of the two TV shows I watch.)

9 years ago
Reply to  red

You are most welcome. Belgians are fabulous dogs, in either of the two “flavors,” the Malinois or the Tervuren. (Softer coated black dogs; Tougher coat, traditional Shepherd coloring Sable and Tan/Black and Tan dogs). Amazing at obedience trials; incredibly smart; loyal…their only flaw is that they shed. a LOT! 🙂

Glad I was able to connect your dots!