Yes, we saw her claim to be a graphics designer before. She designed her own graphics, so the designation is obviously self-awarded – because no one in their right mind would ever PAY for these repeated visual assaults…
Ron Miller
10 years ago
Looks like there might be an out-of-focus stock image symbol in the middle of that out-of-focus picture. I guess that’s one way to get around it.
For us lay people: Dreamstime has a royalty-free copyright license: you pay a single fee (not a royalty per copy) to get to use the photo w/o the watermark (swirl). Using a watermarked photo is the badge of a lousy book cover artist, whether ignorant amateur or knowing thief. I cannot have kind words for this.
Blurry Poetry might be a better title.
This cover is so hot the lens melted.
Yes, we saw her claim to be a graphics designer before. She designed her own graphics, so the designation is obviously self-awarded – because no one in their right mind would ever PAY for these repeated visual assaults…
Looks like there might be an out-of-focus stock image symbol in the middle of that out-of-focus picture. I guess that’s one way to get around it.
Exactly correct. That is the Dreamstime watermark.
The swirling grey cloud between their bodies? That’s the ectoplasmic manifestation of their spiritual souls mating.
Phew! I thought it was a cloud of STDs.
For us lay people: Dreamstime has a royalty-free copyright license: you pay a single fee (not a royalty per copy) to get to use the photo w/o the watermark (swirl). Using a watermarked photo is the badge of a lousy book cover artist, whether ignorant amateur or knowing thief. I cannot have kind words for this.
So not only is she bad at graphic design, but she’s a thief as well.
Those two naughty kids are steaming the window.
The author has a thing for blue font with unnecessary gradients.
Please, Nathan, RELENT!
I had Google Translate open so I checked, as I speak no French: “Did you mean: brĂ»lant la poĂ©sie?” asks it… So can add typo to the menu.