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9 years ago

While it isn’t great, I’ll take the print version over the ebook.

Annie Moose
Annie Moose
9 years ago
Reply to  DED

Ditto, but only if it’s a children’s book. The ebook version makes it look like a poorly-written paranormal romance.

Well, upon checking the Amazon page, it appears to be a children’s book. Print version it is!

9 years ago

I’ll generally take the bad drawing over the boring cut-and-paste photo cover, because at least someone spent time on it, even if it ended very badly.

9 years ago

It is a children’s book, and I think the print cover is delightful.

9 years ago

That’s a very big wolf on the print version. Or else a very small girl. One or t’other.

9 years ago

A small girl – see the story.

9 years ago

Just to check, Wolflover: you’re not connected to the author by any chance, are you?

9 years ago

I am the author. Comment is free, or it should be! I did not design the cover, however. I agree that the Kindle cover is inferior and I am planning to change it.

9 years ago

On the print cover, the thing I have the most trouble with is that the hair style and facial features of the little girl remind me of those of a woman in her sixties or seventies who has been a lifelong chain smoker. That gives me mixed messages about the target audience of the book. The perspective is a little off, and the windows might be made more regular so they look more architectural, but otherwise I think the cover is in character.

My condolences on the e-book cover, though, and I’m glad you are doing something about it.

9 years ago

I’m glad you think the cover is in character. Of course, not everyone can be beautiful, not even little girls.

9 years ago
Reply to  Wolflover

True…but when peddling fantasy, all little girls certainly want to fantasize about being beautiful. This then, is why you don’t see a lot of ugly heroines or unattractive heroes.

9 years ago

I don’t agree with red’s comments about her appearance. She isn’t beautiful, but I don’t think she is ugly either. I may be peddling fantasy, but I am not peddling the beauty stereotype, and in the story her appearance is irrelevant.

9 years ago
Reply to  Wolflover

I don’t believe I said anything about ugliness or beautiness. What I did say was that the little girl reminds me of much older woman because of her hair style and facial features. The mixed messages suggest something along the line of a romantic liaison between a cougar and a large wolf, which, for someone doing shopping for grandkids, might translate into “no sale.”

9 years ago

This is an interesting reaction that I have not had from other people. Does anyone else on here think that 13th-century Flora, aged eight or nine, looks like a “cougar”?

Jim D.
Jim D.
9 years ago

I think she looks like a small adult, not a child–not even close.

9 years ago

OK. Very small. Anyone else?

9 years ago

Yes. Her facial features appear more small adult than child.

9 years ago

I am going to do a straw poll on this. I have replaced the original Kindle cover by this one.

john e. . .
9 years ago

Wolflover – I just want to say that it is refreshing to encounter an author on this site that is curious about other peoples’ reactions and open to some criticism.

It shows me you want to be a better author. I applaud that.

9 years ago

Well, thank you. Incidentally, whose blog is this? Is it a cover-designer’s, by any chance?

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
9 years ago
Reply to  Wolflover

Yes, and Nathan gives away a lot of free advice to authors and other cover designers and people contemplating self-publishing.

9 years ago
Reply to  Wolflover

You should check out Nathan’s constructive criticism site: CoverCritics.com.

9 years ago
Reply to  DED

I have put Nathan’s site into my bookmarks for possible future reference. However, I think that the title “Lousy Book Covers” is a bit harsh for indie writers who are doing their best. I’ve glanced at some other covers slammed here as being “lousy” and some of the comments saying, for example, that a cover “sucks” are simply not helpful.

9 years ago
Reply to  Wolflover

It isn’t really a site to be helpful on to be honest. It is really more of a place to crack jokes.

If someone asks nicely for help, we certainly will help though. We are pretty good like that.

There is also http://www.covercritics.com where it is required that we be helpful. 🙂

9 years ago
