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9 years ago

So, what is this a story about?
1) Building a female robot to run as a democratic candidate? (That might be entertaining, but those aren’t the right tools)
2) Building a house for a female democratic candidate? (snore)
3) Building… (I give up. This cover just doesn’t work for me.)

9 years ago

“Yes she can . . .”
. . . Pull a covered wagon uphill faster than a speeding locomotive!
. . . Construct tall buildings with a single hammer!
. . . Be Powerful Enough to Make America Great Again®  Like Ike  Keep Cool with Coolidge  Vote Yourself the Farm  Pull the Covered Wagon Uphill!

A visitor from another planet, disguised as a mild-mannered politician who needs assistance from a damp cloth to check her e-mail, she fights a never-ending battle for truth, justice, campaign donations!