One October 18, 2015NathanCovers11 Comments One That’s right, the streetlight is the “O” of the title. (h/t Nick) pixelation readability Previous postRebecca’s Initiation Next postRough Drafts
Dang, I was hoping that it was a spooky novel about neon.
O Ne is the L Oneliest N Umber . . .
T Wo can be as B Ad as O Ne . . .
[S Omething, S Omething]
(Apologies to Three Dog Night, I think)
I was hoping this was about the forest knights that protected the sacred words and were dedicated to garden design and innovative lumberjack methods.
Can’t be. I don’t see any shrubbery.
Yo, author: You misspelled “Meh.”
I thought it was a direction–north east. I didn’t catch it even though I knew the novel’s title.
Could be clever, if done well. It wasn’t.
Ne? Hey, dufus, that ain’t a neon light.
But it might be a better cover if it were. More colorful, at least.
Why a capital N? It hides that the light is actually the first letter of the title, and makes it read as ‘ONe;.
“Ne” literally means “No” in my language, so it’s really kind of perfect.