Aurora Conspiracy The Series: Episode 3
I have so constructed my life that people send me things like this. (h/t Steve French)
Aurora Conspiracy The Series: Episode 3
I have so constructed my life that people send me things like this. (h/t Steve French)
What if there was an episode of Star Trek that already told this story nearly 50 years ago?
Words fail me. Yet these authors can link every event in human history to one man and a naked pregnant woman using a little over 12-thousand words. Genius!
Anyway, who’s Joe Watson?
I don’t understand how can someone make such a bad cover.
Really, I wouldn’t be able to even if I tried.
Really, if you have to give a 35 word summary, minus puff piece review and *thirteen word* title and subtitle: your cover image is not enhancing words by being:”Hey, there’s a women who glows blue when she’s pregnant, with a 3D modelled guy wanting to shoot her stomach and a miniature Wright Brothers plane that seems to be doing a fly past.”
Notice how the quote manages to completely avoid giving an opinion on the book.
When a non-committal remark from a nobody is the best you can manage, that does not at all bode well.
There is something seriously wrong with the gunslinger’s head. Is he a zombie manikin?
That one incarnation The Doctor hates to talk about…