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9 years ago

By “clean romance”, I guess the author means they take lots of baths. And by “Western”, I think the author means the characters aren’t from Asia. Yeah, that’s it.

By the way, I think there was a mix-up in the mail order. I don’t think that’s a bride; I’m pretty sure that’s a dude.

9 years ago

What is that big critter sneaking up on the “dude”?
Its got really big shoulders.

9 years ago
Reply to  Kregger

I think that might be Cousin It and his twin brother, levitating behind the Mail Order “Bride”.

L-Plate Pen
L-Plate Pen
9 years ago

‘Guardian Angel with a Gun’

…and a rather sexy double-side-split maxi skirt?

James F. Brown
James F. Brown
9 years ago

Whoa! I want a pair of black, furry wings for Halloween! 🙂

9 years ago

Poor guy has to wear two wrist braces. Must have done a lot of typing to get Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in both hands.

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
9 years ago

That’s the guardian angel with a gun and not the bride? Dare I ask where is his gun? And keep the answer clean: this is “A Clean Western Romance”.

I suspect someone got an order for cover art for “guardian angel” and missed the other details. A lot of small press books never reach their intended audience due to quickly done covers.

9 years ago
Reply to  Naaman Brown

He has two guns strapped to his back, covered by black hairy gun cases to keep out the elements- kinda like those knit covers they put over golf clubs.

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
9 years ago
Reply to  EricL

Oh. I thought those were just straps to hold on fake wings.

9 years ago

Because only “clean” cowboy angels forget to wear pants under their chaps.