Michael’s Angel, Book 2 of the Friendship Heirlooms Series


Michael’s Angel, Book 2 of the Friendship Heirlooms Series

Maybe once she decides on the font… (h/t Sneaky Burrito)

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Don Reed
Don Reed
9 years ago

Hot diggety! Why, that’s just bad enough to attract a bogus book “review” by the infamous Harriet Klausner on Amazon!

Eli Nelson
Eli Nelson
9 years ago

Everything is off center!

Eli Nelson
Eli Nelson
9 years ago
Reply to  Eli Nelson

I guess at least it’s consistent.

9 years ago

Photo isn’t a bad choice, but the typography is awful. Three fonts and not one of them looks good. Really hate the huge apostrophe for some reason.

My guess is that the huge center banner is covering a wedding bouquet, which wouldn’t fit with her image as an “angel”.

Avid Reader
Avid Reader
9 years ago

“Please don’t squeeze the Charmin!”